Cookie House Classic

I love scouring old photos in search of new electronic Christmas card ideas. Couldn't resist the Cookie House! Mother was the master builder while we were the official tasters (self appointed). The house was constructed over Thanksgiving weekend and remained on the dining room table until Valentine's Day.
Cookie House

I wasn't certain this picture was of her first cookie house, so the search began to find the original magazine! Notice the date Jan 62 along the side of the photo.

We scoured several antique shops for the publication but the ultimate search was on eBay. There were several possibilities: Nov or Dec, 1960 or 1961?

Magazine dealers were emailed and I found that the article was published Dec 1961, page 150. The official title was "Santa's Sugarplum House".

I love eBay!

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Mother and Joshua
As I said, Mother built the house... but it was her children and grandchildren who ate the "broken" cookies! Joshua was assisting.

Mother and Cookie House
Sometimes Mother just needed to stand on a chair.
Notice Erin's Cabbage Patch Doll watching the fun!